Saturday, April 28, 2012

Digital Citizenship

(created in Wordle, click here to see original created by Camille Maydonik)

Just as we teach children about "stranger danger" in the real world we need to educate them about being safe and making good choices online. As any young child is naive about the dangers of our world they are also naive about the dangers of online. As educated we need to teach children how to think critically and evaluate information they find online as well as making informed decision about what do while surfing the world wide web.

As we have heard from numerous sources, we can not simply "block" anything and everything that may be inappropriate for children. We need to allow them to make their own choices about how to handle such situations once they have need educated on digital citizenship.

So here comes the question, How??? Below are three websites I particularly liked about doing exactly that...

Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum for Grades K-5 - resources with complete units planned to introduce students to thinking critially and making informed decisions when working on the interent.

Educate Parents About Cyberbullying and Online Relationships - We can educate children in school but they need support at home too! This website provides handouts for parents so they can learn how to educate their children at home.

Digital Citizenship Wiki - created by iste (where we get NETS) with resources for different grade levels to introduce digital citizenship to students in appropriate ways for their age.

NETS for Teachers #4
NETS for Students #5


  1. Thanks for the resources! I never even considered digital citizenship, but I can seen the need for it, especially these days!

  2. You're welcome, they were my top 3!
