Wednesday, April 11, 2012

VoiceThread Project

This is the VoiceThread I created with my students. We shared it today. It was perfect for "Bring Your Parents to School Day". Many parents asked for the video when I told them I could email it to them.

I am going to add a page describing alliteration but please enjoy my students alliteration book so far...

NETS for Students 1, 2 and 6


  1. Sarah, your students did a great job with the alliterations, even with the hard letters. The pictures were cute as well. I loved how you used voice thread and would love to try it with my students. I think the parents are going to love it! :)

  2. Sara, you are so far ahead in this course with the projects. You already know how to use Photo Story, and now you have your students completing the Literacy Project student component part. This is all very exciting. It is wonderful that you are figuring out to use the variety of tools to reinforce your students' literacy skills. Not only are they writing and drawing their ideas, but they are also articulating themselves orally. They sound beautiful. Their parents will love seeing this project. I know I would if I were one of their parents. Also, this project illustrates student collaboration to create one complete project. It is a wonderful memory book for them.

  3. Super cute! Such a great teacher <3 Ms. Coppola ROCKS!!

  4. Love it!!! Sarah did you so this in photo story 3 and then upload it to voice thread?
