Sunday, March 25, 2012

Model Educator and Teacher Blogs

As I explored the never ending ins and outs of the different blogs there were two that stuck out in my mind.

1. Tales From a K-1 Classroom: live, love. teach, share
2. Lessons from the Fourth Dimension

"Tales From a K-1 Classroom" looked as if I could have designed it! I'm pretty sure that's why I liked it so much, it was very visually appealing to me. I also liked how, Sara, the author (see, fate that I like her blog (; ) included resources for other teachers to use. Some blogs feel more like a place to post what their classes are doing, where Sara's blog also provided support/resources for others. The only this I was not I did not like were the many, many photos of her students. Maybe I am the minority on the subject but I would not want my child are part of a blog for the world to see, education blog or not.

Click to enter Tales From a K-1 Classroom 

"Lessons from the Fourth Dimension" was another blog that also offered resources for teachers. The first post on the the page was a list of books recommended by the fifth grade students. I like that idea, students usually like recommendations better when they come from peers rather than teachers. The author also had a blog about tips to keep the school year running smoothly from the start. There were some good pointers from sub plans to starting a parent email chain. The author also included Animotos and digital stories that were created with her students. With these posts were the steps the students took to create these digital items and any trouble shooting tips for other teachers and students to be successful with similar projects. Thank you!

Click to enter Lesson from the Fourth Dimension


  1. I also chose Tales from a K-1 classroom. It really helped me to envision how I can incorporate blogs into my day. She really did break it down and not make it seem too complicated.

  2. I loved the Tales from K-1 Classroom blog as well! Blogs with resources is every teachers dream!!
